Finding your calling: Isn’t this a bit overrated?

Marianne Burri
3 min readNov 7, 2021
Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

I sometimes think, finding your calling is a bit overrated. Often we hear things like: find your passions and so on. For me living my calling is to work as if work feels like working on my hobbies. Work is fun, because I do what I am interested in and what I love. Then I don’t care if I work 12 hours each day. Just because it’s fun. And! For me it’s important to be able to work from any place in the world. I love remote work. And of course, my way does not have to be your way.

I would like to start this blog post with a quote from the artist Ai Weiwei. He once said: “a small action is worth more than a million thoughts”.

Let’s dive in how you can find what you are looking for

Finding your calling. That’s not necessarily easy, especially if you have no plan at all what you should and especially want to do professionally in order to finally take off or to be able to finance the lifestyle you want.

I mentioned this quote by Ai Weiwei at the beginning because I really strongly believe in it, and I also always see the best results from people I coach: as soon as you get going and try something, you’ll realize faster what you don’t want. And so, after a while, you’ll also realize what you want.

This is the slow path that leads you to your vocation. And to speed up this path a bit, I like to do an exercise with my clients. The idea for this exercise comes from the book: Unfair Advantage by Ash All and Hasan Kubba.

What is your Unfair Advantage compared to others?

The first step is to find out what you are particularly good at compared to your competitors. What unfair advantages do you have compared to others? Have you been doing karate for ages and have therefore learned a lot of discipline? Are you very good at photography because you have been doing it with enthusiasm since you were a child? Did you study mathematics as a child because you enjoyed it? Can you program websites since 1999 because you were fascinated by this new medium at the beginning of the Internet? Do you write short stories? Have you had special training that others haven’t and are impressed by? So what are your qualities that you have and others don’t? And mainly, which you love and like to do?

Of course, this exercise is easier if I ask you specific questions tailored to your biography. But it’s sensational and you’ll be amazed because you’ll see a common thread at the end.

The next step is then to find a job that matches what you love to do and gives you a good earning. And there are tons of jobs… so, are you willing to make the next step?

Visit me on my homepage and I look forward to hearing from you. Maybe you have questions, then book a call with me.

Happy times, happy working and see you next Sunday,




Marianne Burri

Business Coach for Storytelling and LinkedIn. On a mission to empower you to believe in yourself, stay true to yourself & create the business & career you love